Today’s consumer has become increasingly aware of the importance of good nutrition and maintaining good health. Onions are the perfect answer to creating dishes that are not only flavorful but healthy and easy to prepare.
Onions are an excellent source of Vitamin C, Potassium and dietary fiber. Onions are low in calories, have no fat or cholesterol, and retain their healthful properties whether raw or cooked. You will see onions in favorite recipes such as soups, salads, breads, side dishes, and main courses.
Tip: Don’t Cry
Does peeling onions make you cry? Peel the onion under running water or slice around the root part of the onion, which holds the irritation fumes that cause you to cry when they are relased.
Yellow Onions
Yellow onions are a favorite for cooking, with 80% to 90% of onions grown in the United States being yellow. Their deep but not-too-strong flavor makes them versatile for cooking.
What they look like
Ranging in size from golf ball- to softball-sized, they are globe shaped with light yellow flesh and golden, papery skin.
How they taste
Yellow onions have a strong spicy flavor when raw and are deeply sweet when cooked.
How to Shop & Store
Yellow onions are available year-round. In summer and early fall, when they have not been in storage long, they have a sweeter taste, their sharpness intensifying throughout the winter months. When shopping, look for firm, unbruised onions that are heavy for their size. If you plan on using your onions within a few weeks, they can be stored at cool temperatures in a dark place. Cut or peeled onions can be wrapped in plastic and stored in the refrigerator for only a few days before becoming mushy.
How to use them
Yellow onions are ideal for long-cooking recipes such as soups, stews, and casseroles, and of course are sticky and delicious when caramelized.
Red Onions
Red onions can be pungent and spicy but are great for eating raw, bringing crunchiness and bright color to a variety of dishes. Though they can always be found in supermarkets, next to the yellow onions, red onions only make up about 8% of the onion market in the US.
What they look like
Red onions have a bright maroon flesh and dark red, papery skin, ranging in size from golf ball- to softball- sized.
How they taste
When raw, red onions have a strong, spicy flavor. When cooked, their flavor is still strong, but more sweet.
How to Shop & Store
Red onions are available year-round.
How to use them
These onions are great on pizza and burgers or can add a pop of color to salads. They also do particularly well in pickling.